Saying goodbye to 2014, as we prepare to for the New Year.
2015 is almost here, so I thought I’d take a little time to reflect on this past year. For those of you who don’t know my story, I lost my mom to Lung Cancer in early January of this year. Last year our family Christmas was spent in hospice, holding our mom close and saying our good-byes. If you’ve ever lost anyone to Cancer, you know how painful the long good-bye can be. You pray for god to take your loved one home, releasing them from their pain and suffering. It’s bitter sweet once the moment arrives, because you can never see, touch or feel them again.
In that moment of loss, comes great clarity. What’s important. Who’s important. How you want to live your life. What kind of legacy you want to leave behind. The baton is passed. Familial responsibilities shift from one generation to another. The next generation of children must be made to feel special, cared for, encouraged. They must also know their history. Thanks to Ancestry.com I was able to present my great niece who was born this summer, with 8 generations of women who came before her… her moms moms mom and so on. Each generation will have their own struggles and obstacles to face. It is my prayer that she will draw strength from and also stand on the shoulders of the great women who came before her, especially when times are tough.
As my bio states, this Design Diary is my way of focusing on what’s right in the world. There is so much to be celebrated, especially in regards to the creative spirit and the creative process. While the resilience of the human spirit varies from person to person, I for one cannot bare to read the daily headlines on the web, engulfing myself in the negativity that seems to feed the 24 hours news cycle. It’s not denial on my part, but rather selective focus. To some it might seem trivial or pretentious to talk about some of the major brands and labels that I’ve written about here on the Design Diary. But as an artist, I understand what it takes to start with a sketch or an idea on paper, and then bring it to fruition. It can take many sets of hands, time, money etc., which translates to jobs and employment for thousands if not millions of people. Creative vision is part of what drives this world forward, as we aspire to greater versions of ourselves. Is it wrong to want nicer things in our homes or drive nicer cars? I don’t think so if it’s kept in balance with the bigger picture.
My mom was the kind of woman who could go out ‘Junking’ at a garage sale and find a fantastic silver ice bucket for 5 bucks, or a vintage piece of crystal for a dollar. It was the thrill of the hunt that made it fun for her. She had the gift of thrift and the ability to create something from nothing. We call it creative vision, and that is the gift she passed on to me. I’m proud to say that I’m a 4th generation self taught artist… that is her legacy to me.
In Loving Memory of Connie E. Day

Touching message for summarizing 2014. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, wishes and hopes…
Looking forward to more “whereartinspiresbeauty” in 2015!!
Well said Romi… What a beautiful gift that you are to your family. Thanks for sharing…
Beautiful. ❤️