Here’s a DIY Butterfly Mural that you can create in your home. I know it looks complicated, but when you break it down and do it step by step, it’s relatively easy. The finished product is really outstanding, and looks great in a minimally furnished environment.
I created this Mural for my home in Palm Springs to promote Modernism Week 2014. I used traditional house paint diluted with water, on top of a light weight pencil drawing. Sample colors from Home Depot were a great alternative to buying large quantities of paint. Also, house paint has more durability and will allow for light cleaning with a damp sponge. In the video below I show you how to use an opaque projector which allows you to project nearly any image on a wall for tracing. The desert heat helped the paint to dry quickly, which allowed me to build up the layers of color. I completed the mural in about 6 hours, excluding the drawing time. The home was open to the public as a Pop Up Gallery and featured several of my original oil paintings. Included above is ‘Marilyn in Charcoal Gray’, Oil on Canvas, (inspired by the photography of the late Bert Stern) and ‘Study for Pool Coping’, Oil on Canvas.
If this is your first time watching one of my videos, I hope you find it both inspirational, and encouraging. As I like to say: It’s only paint… you can always paint over it. Good Luck!