My idea for our rehearsal dinner on the Grand Canal started out as a simple meet and greet kind of concept. Something casual, low key, and intimate. A place where our guests could break the ice and get to know each other, before we were married the following day. However, things didn’t quite go in that direction.

Our wedding planner from Australia, Mandi Forrester-Jones of Viva Travel, was coming to LA for a few days on her way home from Italy. It was the perfect opportunity to get together for dinner, and to discuss how the plans were coming along. Besides working on travel accommodations for our guests, she was also working to help us find a small venue where we could have pizza and gelato near the waters edge. After weeks of emailing and contacting several small cafes, the options just weren’t coming together. It was either going to be a long walk from our hotel, or a venue packed with lots of tourists. It just didn’t feel right, so she suggested that I check with our hotel to see what options they might have.

I reached out to Simona Miranda, our event coordinator at the Hotel Monaco & Grand Canal. We’d had our initial interview with her during Christmas of 2018, while scouting wedding venues. We loved her, and we loved the venue, which is how we’d gotten this far. I emailed Simona about the idea of a cocktail party on the terrace. Time was running out, as there were only six weeks left until the wedding. After a few emails back and forth we decided that it was a go. She quoted me a price per person, gave me some food options, and then asked if I’d like a printed menu… a printed menu? for a cocktail party? Sure, why not.

I think something got lost in translation. When I arrived on the terrace about 20 minutes before the party, I was surprised to see a sit down event. It was complete with tables and tablecloths, candles, wine glasses, and a full wait staff ready to attend to our every need. And of course, there were those fabulous little menus, placed gently on the plates, along with the cocktail napkins I’d designed for the cocktail hour.

Our guests began to arrive, all 35 of them. They were thrilled at the elaborate layout, as they too expected a simple cocktail hour. It was turning into the perfect Venetian evening. Glowing guests, a balmy 75 degrees, the full moon reflecting across the lagoon… you could feel the magic in the making.

Everyone was so excited to finally meet the people whose faces they’d only seen on social media. Friends from Fiji and Australia got to meet our families from Chicago and Seattle. Our friends from Texas were introduced to friends from San Francisco. The wine was flowing, as trays and trays of appetizers glided onto the tables.

Dinner entrees included a course of 3 types of spaghetti: vegetarian, seafood and beef, all made with the freshest Italian pasta. The flow of food and delicacies lasted for at least three hours and included an assortment of deserts, cappuccino and did I mention, more wine?

True to form, Recio gave one of his epic toasts. He always knows the right emotional tone to hit. He’s generous in his praise of people, thanks to his astute observations of who they are. He makes friends for life and wants to see everyone become their best selves, and live their best life.

What started out as an idea for a casual evening of pizza and gelato, turned into the most amazing 5 hour evening of love, laughter, and celebration. It’s an evening we’ve come to value even more during this time of Covid, because in the end, Love Wins.

Mandy Forrester- Jones can be reached at Viva Travel
Simona Miranda can be reached at VIP Service Italia