The magic of Tiffany & Co. window displays burst on the scene in 1961 when the movie Breakfast at Tiffany’s debuted with Audrey Hepburn. It solidified the idea of romance with all of it’s endless possibilities… so there’s absolutely no pressure to create holiday windows that will still captivate nearly 60 years later, right?
The delicate details that go into each and every window display are still pure magic. Those beautiful blue-green boxes wrapped in white ribbon keep your minds eye wondering what beautiful treasure might be hidden inside. By the way, did you know that Tiffany Blue has its own Pantone number – PMS1837, however, it can’t be seen in the Pantone swatch book. It’s also copyrighted in some American states… just a few more ways to keep that magic a little more elusive.
Established in 1853, Tiffany & Co. was one of the first stores to clearly mark the price on their goods to prevent any haggling over prices. In addition, against the norm of the time, Tiffany only accepted cash payments and did not accept payments on credit. My how times have changed. The famous flagship store on 5th Avenue and 57th Street in Manhattan opened in 1940, and one of my favorite things about the store is its Art Deco details. If you happen to see newer locations, such as those built inside a mall, their front doors still feature those iconic stainless steel deco details.

Even after having been in business for over 160 years, they’ve managed to keep the magic alive. On my sisters recent 50th birthday, we traveled to Manhattan to celebrate… and stop number one, Tiffany’s! If you’re still looking for that last minute holiday gift, you know where to go.